My Sisters are in School!

I'm so glad! Homeschooling was going well academically, but the older one is a social butterfly and needs more than just us to keep her engaged. Also I can't take much more of having her around 24/7. She's uh, bubbly. And I am not. Love her to bits, but our personalities don't mesh that well. It'll be great for her to go out and make some friends, and the younger one can have that opportunity too!

I'll admit that I'm a bit worried about her though. She's super shy and was completely silent during the tour. I dunno, I just really really hope things go well for her. I don't think many kids in her age group speak English so we'll work on that together. That aside, she's incredibly smart and I have no doubt she'll do well in that regard.

Enough bragging about my widdle baby sisters, I've got to catch up in my Japanese lessons. Ta for now!

Finding a Job is Hard

I'm sick of being broke and I'd very much like to help out my household with some income, so earlier today I began the search for work!

As it turns out, getting a job in a foreign country when you don't speak the language is hard. What a shocker. Nothing online was open for a high school student--what a shocker--so I'll be going around to local businesses and seeing if they have any openings available! I probably should have done that first but whatever.

The cafe I would have loved to work at is, unfortunately, not hiring. Which makes me very sad. But on the bright side, there are apparently places in town that specifically hire expats! Which is what I am now!!! One is a pizza place and one is a brewery, so both will require me to put on the customer service persona (unless I'm working in the back which would be lovely), but I'm in absolutely no place to be picky. I'll just be grateful if I'm hired at all!

That's that for now, hopefully something good will come along soon!

First! Post! First! Post!

WOO!! I've been wanting to start up a blog for a very long time, I just could never be bothered. I'll be using this as a place to record the various nonsense I will inevitably get into on this European adventure. Which reminds me, I should explain that!

In the spring of 2018, my mother brought up how she'd like to leave the US and take my sisters and I to The Netherlands. It was just an idle thought really. In the summer of 2018, we got on a plane and left everything behind for a new life. To say we're impulsive would be a bit of an understatement. It hasn't been easy, and I'm sure there's more to come, but we've been incredibly lucky to be as safe and secure as we are. I'm optimistic!

Pop in regularly to see me scream about Dutch bikers and salivate over literally everything else, with the occasional doodle or two.



It's been a crazy few months. Looking at my last post, I remember how lofty my plans for the year were. They were also boring and unreal...

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