
It's been a crazy few months.

Looking at my last post, I remember how lofty my plans for the year were. They were also boring and unrealistic; funny how things turn out, huh? I'm in a better position now than I would have been had I stuck to the plan.

I also remember that I'm not super sure how to best use this blog. I keep saying I'll use it as a diary, but considering my physical diary is already regularly passed around (siblings amirite) I don't think it's a good idea to put all of myself on the internet like that, lol.

Maybe I'll start posting my art practice here. It's a good way to track my progress, and it'll motivate me to work on it every day without the pressure of a large audience. Or any audience really. Double-edged sword, that.

I'll leave this here with another promise to use this blog more regularly, so...see you in six months!



It's been a crazy few months. Looking at my last post, I remember how lofty my plans for the year were. They were also boring and unreal...

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