Now I'M in School!!!


I've enrolled into an online school program so I can get into a nice thicc university even though I left the states before finishing school :P

It's kind of overwhelming currently but I'm optimistic! I'll get the hang of it and everything will be great. Hopefully. Probably not because I'm taking physics and physics makes me want to die but it's fine.

My wee babby laptop might be on its last leg actually, and that's a problem. We don't really have the funds to be replacing it but maybe we'll hit the lottery soon! After all, it's nearly mu 18th and supposedly that's a magical number.

That's another post entirely actually, so I'll stop here. Wish me luck with these classes, ough;;;



It's been a crazy few months. Looking at my last post, I remember how lofty my plans for the year were. They were also boring and unreal...

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